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Clone of Existing Game with 3D Enhancement

I have spent the past three HackJam sessions cloning the super-fun Flash game Boomshine, in C. The reason for doing this is because I would like to add a 3D extension to this game. I want the third dimension to be time. Right now the balls bounce about on a flat plane, and the progression of time from present to more present results essentially in a visual overwrite of the balls at their new space coordinates. Well, by using perspective, I want to draw a 3D representation of the balls so that you can see in a single glance where the ball started and where the ball will be after many units of time have passed and, up to pixellation, where the ball will be at every moment in between. To describe this further, let me explain that while the balls are just bouncing about on their original 2D plane, the 3D view will be essentially static because the balls' velocities are fixed. The 3D view can only change after the player drops his ball with the mouse, and the outcomes of the original balls interact with that which was not there before.

I got the idea to do this from a discussion with Montana about "solving" the game -- i.e. figuring out where you could place your ball to ensure that you "won". He suggested something about Einstein's light cones and thus this idea was born.

I have never done 3D graphics before except in QBasic like ten years ago so this will be challenging and interesting.

Right now I have successfully cloned the behavior of the original game. The balls bounce, collide, grow, shrink and die predictably, and all parameters (initial size, color, growth rate, target growth size, waiting duration, shrink rate, and number of balls) are completely customizable within reasonable limits i.e. no negative radii.

With regard to shininess, I hope to do some transparency/alpha blending so the balls don't just overlap, also when bouncing off the edges the sprites flicker because the collision logic is funky however they ultimately careen off at the correct angle and stop flickering when they get away from the edge. Also maybe sound at some point? However these are all ancillary to my chief interest, which is representing the time dimension spatially.

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