Merry Holidays, and Screen Capture Update
The Screen Capture dealio described in my last post is coming along. It presently displays two adjacent colored boxes: one solid foreground colored, and one mostly background colored but flickering to foreground color at a customizable rate of once per n frames; the foreground and background colors are also customizable.
The least n for which the results are meaningful is, of course, 2, which means that during every 2nd frame the box is painted foreground colored while during all other frames the box is background colored. At this rate my naked, unaided eye can infer the foreground color with ease, though it's hard to say whether that is affected by the adjacent solid box -- this will have to be eliminated during future double-blind tests. Unfortunately the rapid cycling introduced some horizontal lines which were very unpleasant to look at and which will have to be dealt with effectively before useful conclusions can be drawn.
Adam and Sam gave helpful insights on what was causing the unpleasant horizontal lines and how to cope with it. Presently the main drawing loop merely increments the frame index counter, wraps it to zero if necessary, and throws up the appropriate frame for the flickering side, and does this as quickly as possible. The horizontal line problem arises when the program writes to the colored box's memory location while that location is being read and updated by the display hardware. In order to get around this it is necessary to interrupt the flow of things and patiently wait for the vertical refresh to complete and then resume.
A vertical refresh of 60Hz means, that 60 times per second the screen will be redrawn, and a higher FPS than that should make it always invisible. I think that because there is no computation or rendering or any complicated graphical processing, only blitting a small square that's already in memory, that it should not be hard to get better than 60 FPS, thereby making the refresh rate, and horizontal lines, appear invisible.
Is this possible? The SDL trick of creating a double-buffered hardware surface and calling SDL_Flip() in the draw loop does not seem to have helped the horizontal line problem. So I'm looking into OpenGL to see if that will afford me the degree of control necessary to eliminate this problem. Sam suggested that because of various factors which I don't recall in their entirety, including but not limited to some things having to do with what the eye can keep together and how quickly the monitor updates, I would only be able to split it into about four frames before the image did not appear whole. Makes sense, if the images are too far apart (in time) then the eye may not unify them. This will of course be tested.
Next up will be separating the target display image into nonoverlapping (and not necessarily continous) chunks, one on each frame. There are combinatorially many ways of splitting a fixed number of pixels onto a fixed number of frames. A few of the ways I'll be looking at are:
- random pixels: approximately (width*height)/n pixels will be pseudorandomly selected from the image and recorded to a frame with no repetition. Or some repetition but not in every frame? These are variables that will have to be examined for best output.
- "checkerboard": the image will be divided checkerboard style into alternate squares, so that individual frames will appear as checkerboards, alternating background with foreground.
- "radially chopping", or "pi cutting": from the center of the image outwardly drawn radii at regular (or irregular) angular intervals will determine where one region ends and the next begins. Again, one or more nonadjacent regions to a frame. No/some repetition?
The more I think about this, the more I think that the clearest aggregate image with the least information about the whole picture contained in a single frame will be had with random pixels and some repetition spread evenly enough so that most pixels that repeat do not appear next to other repeating pixels very often. For specific definitions of "most" and "very often" and "next to" and "evenly enough" and such.
Jumping right ahead to implementation details ... assuming there to be an arbitrary upper limit on the number of frames that an image can be split into, and assuming that arbitrary upper limit may just happen to be equal to the size in bits of a single data register in the processor on the machine I've been doing all the development for this project on, and assuming that I want to implement several different ways of splitting images up into frames and that given this last assumption that I certainly do not want to duplicate a whole lot of code doing so but would much rather, say, pass an image to any one of several image-to-frames splitting routines which may exist at any point in time and to have those routines all return an efficient description of how that image should be split among any desired number of frames upto the arbitrary limit, I think that I can do this: create a "frame mask" of dimensions equal to that of the image whose elements are 32-bit integers, with bit 0 indicating whether the pixel should be present in frame 0, and bit n indicating whether the pixel should be present in frame n. The splitting routines would all be able to write this format quite easily, and the post-splitting frame-generating routine would have no trouble reading it at all. This also makes it easy to save particular random splittings that turn out to be favorable for later analysis or just to show your friends.
Now, I'm done rambling. Sometime this year (2008) I'll get git setup on dreamhost and post the code for all to see. It's not pasted here because, frankly, in its current state, it's not very interesting :)
UPDATE: repository'd: http://piratejon.com/git?p=scrapture.git
Labels: daydreaming about bathing in beer, etc, frame masks, jws, premature optimization, rambling, screen capture, unnecessarily long blog posts